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Getting Rid of Fleas from Puppies: Tips and Reminders

No matter how young or old your pet is, parasites will not show them any mercy. If fleas, ticks, or other unwelcome guests show up, they will not leave without a fight. That's why we are providing you with some helpful tips on how to get rid of fleas from puppies.

How To Remove Fleas From Your Puppy

Why is it important to remove fleas from a puppy?

Fleas have a remarkable capacity for reproduction, and they can lay eggs in virtually any environment, including your pet's body and your home.

As a result, it is critical to identify and eliminate fleas from your pet's fur in order to prevent further contamination and to ensure your pup's wellness and emotional stability.

Additionally, fleas cause a great deal of itching and discomfort for the animal, hindering its growth and development.

How to get rid of fleas from a puppy

Removing fleas from puppies is essential, but it is important to know the proper method. Consulting a veterinarian about the products to be applied is essential, as not all of them are valid for puppies.

It is critical to be careful and use the right antiparasitic substances and apply them in the right way; otherwise, the health of your pet may be at risk.

Bathing your puppy

It is normal not to bathe a puppy that does not have a complete vaccination plan; however, if fleas are affecting him too much, it can be done with extra care and attention to ensure they are adequately dried when finished.

Additionally, good hygiene is important to keep parasites away from your pet and regular brushing is essential.

Antiparasitic products

If you are looking for a product to remove fleas from your puppy, the market offers many antiparasitic options, even for puppies under two months old. However, it is important to ensure that the product you choose is suitable for their age.

Pipettes are the most common option for puppies, but the weight of the animal is the main factor to consider when selecting antiparasitic products.

Therefore, it is best to consult your veterinarian to determine the best way to get rid of fleas from your puppy and receive proper instructions.

Washing bedding

If you have noticed fleas on your puppy, environmental control is essential. All areas where the puppy has been should be washed with hot water, including its bed, sheets, and blankets. Furniture like sofas that cannot be washed should be treated with an antiparasitic product that is safe for pets.

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Natural homemade dog repellents

Home remedies for fleas can be used on dogs or cats, but should not be applied to newborn pets or pets under 3 months of age.

While these remedies are based on odors that repel parasites, such as lemon or lavender oil, these same odors may not be pleasant for the animals.

To make a flea repellent spray, combine 250 ml of water with 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil, half a teaspoon of citronella oil, and half a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle or diffuser. Shake the product well before applying it to the dog, and administer it daily. Note that this spray should not be used on cats.

Lemon as a repellent

Lemon is one of the most effective citrus fruits for repelling fleas and ticks. To create a lemon spray remedy, place a pot with three glasses of water on the fire and bring it to a boil.

Add three lemons cut in half and let them simmer for an hour. After this time, remove the lemon pieces and incorporate the liquid into a spray bottle.

Apply this remedy to the dog's body, avoiding the eyes and mouth, and make sure they don't lick themselves while you do so, as the acid in the lemon can cause intestinal issues.

Note: You can also use other citrus fruits such as lime, grapefruit, or orange.

Remember that these home remedies are a natural way to repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

How can I tell if my puppy has fleas?

The most obvious sign is intense scratching, but it is not the only one.

  • Fleas can cause peeling of the skin.
  • If you pull back your pet's fur in patches until you can see the skin and notice small brown or black specks, it is quite likely that these are flea feces, which are deposited in the fur.
  • When the infestation is very large, they may get wounds from scratching or biting to relieve the itching.
  • Parasites in the feces This is a reality that not everyone is aware of. Fleas act as an intermediary channel for a parasite known as Dipylidium caninum. When the animal scratches itself with its mouth, it can ingest the flea that contains this parasite. These then develop in the intestine and may show up in the feces in the form of intestinal worms.

If left untreated, fleas on your pet can become a major issue, not only for your pet but for you too.

So, if you see fleas on your puppy, do not hesitate to take the necessary steps to get rid of them.
