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10 Fascinating Facts About Your Dog's Nose You Need to Know

Today we want to talk about a fundamental part of your dog's anatomy: his nose! Because the dog nose is a very important part of his body and hides a lot of information, don't miss these curiosities about the dog's nose!

Curious facts about dog nose

Since smell is the most important sense for canines, it's no wonder their nose is so essential to them. But there's so much more! Check out these curiosities.

1. It's his "fingerprint"

No two noses are alike, which is why it is said that a dog's nose is the equivalent of a human fingerprint. There are already countries where canine nose prints are recorded for identification purposes.

Dog Nose Facts You Probably Didn't Know

2. Dog's nose may change color

There are breeds of dogs whose nose changes color depending on the time of the year without this meaning anything serious. However, they can also change color due to contact with some material or sunburn.

border collie

3. The dog nose needs protection from the sun

It is one of the parts of the body most prone to sunburn. That's why it's important to take care of it with a sunscreen specifically for them.

4. It's a good alarm.

A canine allergy can cause your dog's nose to dry out. This does not mean that if your dog's nose is dry, the furry one is sick. It can simply happen that the bowls where he eats and drinks are not made of a good material and cause a reaction.


5. Nose better than mouth

Did you know that your furry friend's sense of smell is about 10,000 times more sensitive than their sense of taste? No wonder they smell everything before they eat it!

6. The dog nose is an odor detector and classifier.

A dog is capable of distinguishing more than a million smells and classifying them, which is why they are such good trackers. They are able to distinguish very subtle nuances in scents.

Read also: My Dog Keeps Scratching His Nose: Why Does He Do It?

Dog yawning

7. Some noses are "better" than others

Dogs with short snouts and flat faces have fewer olfactory receptor cells than dogs with long snouts.

8. The nose has two independent cavities

For this reason it can be said that dogs do not breathe and smell in the same place, as people do.

The dog nose has a folded tissue that divides it into two cavities, each for one function.

golden retriever

9. Long ears help the nose

Dogs that have very long and droopy ears help them to aerate the aromas to their truffle, so they can smell better.

10. The dog's nose is wet for several reasons

Dogs lick their nose frequently to clean it and keep it moist. This is because in this way they capture the odors better, so they also naturally secrete this humidity. But remember: if the nose is dry at a given moment, it does not have to indicate illness.

How many of these curiosities did you already know?