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How to Clean a Dog Bed: Tips for Maintaining Your Pet's Hygiene

Your beloved pet's bed undoubtedly holds a special place in their heart. It's the place where they drift off to pleasant dreams while feeling secure and comfortable. To make sure their bed remains in top-notch condition, here are some tips on how to clean your pup's bedding:

How to Clean a Dog Bed Step By Step


The importance of cleaning the dog bed

Good hygiene for canines is important not only for the dog's health, but also for the health and safety of everyone living in the same household.

The dirt and unsavory odors that accompany many dogs can be a real challenge for the family to manage. Not only can it be unpleasant to be around a pet that carries such a smell, but the dirt and smell can quickly spread to every area that the dog decides to rest, lie down, or rub against.

In addition to parasites, which can transmit diseases,

For all these reasons it is important to keep your dog clean, but it is equally important to keep all the elements of your pet in proper hygienic conditions. And that, of course, includes his bed.

It's no use keeping your pup looking shiny and groomed if his bed is filled with dirt and has a foul smell. Your canine companion will be dirty again in no time if he rests in an unclean bed.

Furthermore, parasites are not eliminated with deworming alone; their eggs may remain in the bedding, leading to reinfection.

Therefore, taking care of your dog's bed is a must. Here are some tips to keep it clean:

How to clean a dog bed

Cleaning your dog's bed is not as complicated a task as you might imagine. It takes some time, yes, but it is very necessary. Take note of the steps to follow.

1. Remove accumulated hairs

Begin by attempting to take away any evidence of hair or dirt on the bed, as not doing so could negatively affect the end results.

This purpose can be accomplished with either a vacuum cleaner or lint roller, both of which are also necessary for getting rid of dog hair.

2. Separate the bed in parts

It is time to disassemble the dog bed. Depending on the type of bed, it will be composed of various elements. A firm structure with a mattress or two soft parts, for instance. All of these components must be separated. This means removing the covers and taking out the foam from the mattress, so that each element can be washed separately.

3. Repeat the hair removal process

If you find that there are more hidden hairs when you separate the mattress from its exterior structure, repeat step 1 to make sure no hairs are left behind.

4. Clean the rigid structure

The best way to begin cleaning your dog's bed, which has a rigid external structure, is to determine what material it is made of. Depending on the material, the most suitable method for cleaning must be chosen, as the process for washing plastic is different than that of wicker, for example.

5. Remove stains from cover fabrics

Before beginning a more comprehensive cleaning of the fabric covering the foam mattress, you should first take the time to clean any visible stains.

To do so, it is important to determine the type of fabric and, if possible, the source of the stain. If the stain is particularly fresh, you may be able to remove it with a napkin that has been soaked in a stain removing cleaning solution.

An old or new toothbrush may also be of help in scrubbing away the most stubborn of stains. Use either specific cleaning products or a combination of soap and water and be sure to leave it on the fabric for around 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

6. Wash the cover in the washing machine

After the most difficult stains have been eliminated, the next step is to put the cover in the washing machine for a more thorough cleaning. Consult the label to make sure that the cover can be washed in hot water; if so, select a high temperature setting to ensure a thorough disinfection.

7. Use neutral detergent

A key suggestion for cleaning your dog's bed is to utilize a mild detergent with no scents when washing the cover or any other fabric items in the washing machine or by hand.

Babies' detergents are the most highly recommended, as they are hypoallergenic and free of fragrances.

8. Clean the mattress foam

Many people take the risk of putting the mattress foam in the washing machine, which can result in it being shredded.

To avoid this, it is best to wash the stuffing by hand. Fill a container larger than the mattress with hot water and detergent, let it sit for at least 20 minutes, and then rub the dirtiest parts of the mattress.

9. Rinse and dry

It is essential to thoroughly rinse the filling with warm water to ensure no soap residue is left.

Afterwards, let it air dry for best results. It is not recommended to put the foam or cover in the dryer as they may shrink in size.

10. Wash the blankets

Finally, don't forget to clean the other elements that accompany the bed, such as blankets.

To do so, use a roller or vacuum cleaner to remove stuck hairs, then put them in the washing machine with warm or hot water and an unscented detergent.

If there are bad odors still present after washing, soak the textiles in warm water with 1/4 cup of baking soda solution for 15 minutes, rinse and allow to air dry.

Other tips on how to clean the dog bed

Apart from the previously mentioned steps, we have taken two more into consideration that are deemed important.

  • No specific frequency is stated for how often the dog's bed should be cleaned, yet it is suggested to do it a minimum of once a month. If the dog is particularly prone to dirt and parasites, then a more frequent cleaning is suggested. For the blankets, as they are simpler to clean, they should be washed every week or every two weeks.
  • It is not advised to use products containing ammonia to clean deep stains as dog urine also contains ammonia. Utilizing ammonia to clean the stains or to clean the urine off the floor would essentially entice your dog to repeat the same behavior in that place.

Do not wait any longer to clean the dog bed now that you know how!
