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Side Effects of Dog Vaccines

Dog vaccines are very important to keep dogs from getting all kinds of diseases, so we can't skip them, so remember that you are responsible for your pet's health! However, sometimes there is a small price to pay for our furry ones to get rid of serious illnesses. These side effects of vaccines are usually not serious and are transient, just like when we get side effects from our medications. Although they're not worrying, it's good to be informed. Don't miss it!

Side Effects of Dog Vaccines

Vaccines for dogs

There are lots of diseases that our pets can catch, of varying severity or severity. Ailments such as rabies, distemper or leishmaniasis can be a serious problem, even causing the death of the dog. That's why it's vital to avoid them with vaccines.

It doesn't always happen, but sometimes vaccines for dogs (just like people's vaccines and like any other medicine) can cause a mild reaction in the body - why does it happen? After all, the vaccine consists of introducing a foreign pathogen into the body, which is in fact a weakened or neutralised sample of the pathogen we want to avoid. That is why the organism, surprised, may react strangely, trying to cope with it.

Don't worry! It's not serious and it usually happens in a few hours or a few days. Under no circumstances should adverse effects be a reason to cancel vaccines, they are very important!

Not all dogs are equally prone to post-vaccination symptoms; the most vulnerable are puppies, in addition to neutered dogs and some breeds in particular, usually small breeds.

Side effects of dog vaccines

Side effects of dog vaccines

These are the most common side effects of vaccines:


It is quite normal for dogs to be drowsy or tired after vaccinations, or even decayed. Many dogs often fall asleep after vaccinations to recover from stress. What a scare to scare the needles!


If you notice that your dog, after vaccination, is a little listless or lonely, it is also normal. Many dogs experience mood swings, sometimes they even get a little aggressive.


This is perhaps the most common side effect of dogs vaccines. Many times the puncture site is inflamed, like a chickpea; sometimes it is also red. That's just because the liquid hasn't spread well over the body yet, it's just piled up there. It's okay! In a matter of hours it will filter itself out and nothing needs to be done.

It can also be an allergic reaction to the needle or alcohol, but this is much less common.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Stomach aches, vomiting or passing diarrhea are quite normal after some vaccines, which are a little aggressive. It is usually accompanied by a loss of appetite and sometimes also a slight inflammation in the gut, perceptible to the touch.

Respiratory problems

Some vaccines are given intranasally rather than subcutaneously. This type of vaccine can cause sneezing, coughing, and runny nose, sometimes accompanied by a fever - it's like having the flu! If your dog is sick, he will most likely sleep all day and not want to eat.


This side effect is serious and we should pay close attention to the symptoms. These usually appear within a few hours (or even minutes) of vaccination and cause a swelling of the muzzle and throat that makes breathing very difficult. You can also weaken your pulse, have diarrhea, vomiting, redness...

It is because the body reacts in a really negative way that it tries to fight the vaccine so aggressively that it destroys red blood cells.

Anaflaxia, although severe, is rare. However, whenever your pet is vaccinated, be sure to stay with him or her and watch him or her for a few hours after the injection. This way you can detect any anomalies and take them to the vet as soon as possible if necessary.

Pet Vaccination Record Book

Log Book for Your Pet Vaccines is a log book that can be used to keep track of your pet’s vaccinations. It contains 100 pages with boxes to fill up for vaccination details such as pet’s name, breed, gender, age, name of the vaccine, date of vaccination, batch number, veterinarian, and notes. It is designed to focus on your journey to organize your pet’s medical history. There is nothing like having your pet’s information, in one place and at your fingertips in case of an emergency.

Did you know about the side effects that dog vaccines can have?
