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5 Common Dog Myths Debunked: Understanding Your Pet Better

People who are lucky enough to share their lives with a dog know how intelligent these animals can be. And we are not only referring to the tricks they can learn, but they are even capable of differentiating certain emotions from the human face. However, we cannot believe everything they say about dogs. Therefore, today we bring you this list of some dog myths that you should question.

Dog Myths Debunked

The most common dog myths

Do you think you understand your dog 100%? Maybe your answer is a resounding yes, and we will not be the ones to deny it.

Many of the behavioral issues we see in our pets, however, are caused by the misreading of people or misinformation, according to experts.

And, unfortunately, this misinterpretation has, in many cases, very negative consequences. One of the most common is abandonment.

Therefore, you must be clear that a better understanding of your pet is essential to ensure that your coexistence together is appropriate and to guarantee its welfare. Based on this, let's now take a look at the myths about dogs that are most frequently told and wrongly believed.

1. It is not bad to hit the dog with a rolled up newspaper

This is completely false. Any kind of punishment, however mild, is not going to teach the dog what is right and what is wrong.

If you catch your dog peeing in an inappropriate place and "scare" him with a rolled up newspaper, you will stop this behavior in a timely manner, but you are not showing him the correct alternative.

In addition, as is well known, physical punishment is often the cause of a number of possible negative and potentially harmful effects, such as running away, fear, or aggression.

Read also: Cynophobia - Fear of Dogs

2. Puppies should not be touched so that the mother does not reject them

Canine socialization begins when the dog is born by its mother, but this also has to happen with the rest of its environment. This includes humans, starting with family members.

Therefore, a friendly interaction between a person and the puppies must take place early on, in the presence of the mother, with the gentleness required for her consent.

In fact, not socializing the dog early could lead to problems such as fear of people.

3. The dog must know who is in charge

This is another dog myth. The animal needs to know certain behavioral patterns and respond to your orders, but it is not a matter of hierarchy.

Hierarchy among dogs exists, even among dogs of the same household, even if they are not of the same breed.

However, for a long time, it was said that the dog's aggressiveness was due to a dominance problem, since the dog did not know who was the "leader of the pack," referring to its owner.

Today, it is known that, in such cases, aggression towards the owner is mostly due to the frustration caused by the lack of environmental enrichment and the negative feelings (including lack of control) that this entails.

4. Castration is the best solution to aggressiveness

Castrating dogs reduces testosterone levels, the hormone that regulates behavior, among other functions. However, castration is not a magic solution to the problem of aggression.

Castration is very effective with other issues, such as urine marking, but with respect to aggression, other complementary methods will have to be worked on. For example, desensitization or educational therapy.

5. The dog's aggressiveness is due to its breed and size

This is one of the most common myths we hear about dogs, and it is totally false.

Research has shown that there are certain breeds that are predisposed to being more temperamental, but that does not mean that aggression is due to the size or breed of the animal.

Your pet's personality includes a set of behavioral characteristics that are generalizable to all environments. Therefore, his personality will develop as an interactive result of his temperament and the environment in which he lives.

Due to this explanation, it is not possible to generalize according to breeds or sizes. The education and treatment the dog has received are far more important than its genetics.

Have you always believed that these dog myths are true? You now know that not everything mentioned about our dogs is true.