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Can Dogs Eat Chestnuts? Benefits and Precautions

Each season has its own characteristic foods. In autumn and winter, one of them is chestnuts. Not only are they available in stores or street stalls, but in areas where we walk with our pet, it is also very common to see them fallen from trees. So, the question arises: can dogs eat chestnuts? Let's see!

Can dogs eat chestnut

Although high-quality pet food is made to be a very complete meal for our pets, it is very normal for us to offer them other types of food that we eat occasionally. Therefore, it is important to know which foods are toxic to dogs and which are not.

Chestnuts are a food that contains certain beneficial nutrients: iron, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, calcium, sodium, proteins, vitamins A, B6, C, etc.

Just as these nutrients are good for us, they are also good for dogs. Therefore, yes, dogs can eat chestnuts, they have benefits for them, but they must be given properly.


can dogs have chestnuts

How do I give chestnuts to my dog?

Dogs can eat chestnuts in small amounts and occasionally. That means that the right thing is not to give them more than one in a row.

Also, it is not good to give them chestnuts every day.

The first time you are going to offer a chestnut to your dog, it is advisable to try a small piece first and observe it very closely in case of any type of food allergy.

If everything goes well, then you can offer it whole the next time. That being said, when we say whole, we mean in its entirety, however, it should be cut into small pieces to prevent the animal from choking.

Keep in mind that the chestnut, besides being very large for your dog if it is a small breed, has a hard consistency.

Another important point to consider is that dogs can eat chestnuts, but without the shell.

Since toasting them makes them much easier to peel, some people choose to give them roasted. However, for dogs, it is always better to offer the fruit without added salt and raw. That being said, we should avoid those that are very green, as they are indigestible.

If you want to roast them, they should only be slightly roasted. It is not advisable to offer dogs chestnuts as we cook them for ourselves, in syrup or fried.

Regarding the type of chestnuts that your pet can consume, dogs can eat the same type of chestnuts that we eat.

These are those produced by the common chestnut tree. That is to say: the Japanese, American and Chinese chestnuts. Any chestnut that is not suitable for human consumption is not recommended for the animal either.

Benefits of chestnuts for dogs

Knowing that dogs can eat chestnuts and how to offer them correctly taking into account the mentioned aspects, we can determine what benefits they can provide to your pet.

Stimulates their nervous system

Thanks to the minerals and B-group vitamins that chestnuts contain, they help to keep the nervous system functioning properly stimulated.

This improves their health and prevents neurological pathologies.

Good for bone health, including their teeth

Since they contain a good amount of calcium, chestnuts are very good for health.

However, when it comes to their teeth, it is important to maintain good dental hygiene in the animal.

Beneficial for intestinal transit

Chestnuts are also rich in fiber, so they are also good for facilitating intestinal transit.

However, their high fiber content is only good in small amounts.

Optimal for the heart

As with other nuts, chestnuts also contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These help maintain good heart health, preventing the onset of heart disease.

That being said, all these benefits will only be real if the chestnuts are given to the dog in moderation and following the indicated guidelines.

Read also: Can Dog Eat Cashews?

Are chestnuts poisonous to dogs   

An excess in the consumption of chestnuts can be very harmful to the animal, causing certain health problems such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Discomfort
  • Gas
  • Stomach pain

The severity of these problems will depend on the number of chestnuts that the animal has ingested. What you should keep in mind is that if the symptoms persist, you should immediately go to a veterinary center. Your pet may require help to recover.

In addition to this, keep in mind that if your dog accidentally swallows a whole chestnut and it gets stuck in their throat, they could suffocate and die. Therefore, never leave chestnuts within their reach at home or allow them to play with them in parks.
