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Majorca Shepherd Dog: History, Appearance & Characteristics

The Majorca Shepherd Dog breed is, as its name indicates, a breed dedicated to the pasture, therefore, they are intelligent breeds since they must obey their dog's orders.

They only need a little daily exercise to stay healthy.

It weighs approximately 88 pounds. And there are two variants in the hair: short, or long-haired. This last variety is not so frequent.

The Majorca Shepherd Dog or Ca de Bestiar is a Spanish breed of dog originating in Majorca. Traditionally used in the Majorcan countryside as a livestock guardian, it has a characteristic black coat.

Black is the color recognized by the standard, but it is not the only one. There are white feet, red skirts and brindle. The latter is currently undergoing a breeding and recovery program.

Apart from being a good sheep herder, the Majorca Shepherd also performs the tasks of guarding, herding or guiding goats, cows, mules, horses and pigs. Traditionally, shepherds made their dogs collars of hackberry wood and decorated them with aluminum studs, an easy and inexpensive resource available to everyone. This custom has survived until today, when this collar has become a characteristic complement of the breed.


Majorca Shepherd Dog


There are different hypotheses about the origin of the Majorca Shepherd dog. Some argue that it comes from mainland Spanish dogs crossed with different Majorcan dogs, such as the Ibizan Hound and the Ca de Bou (Majorca Mastiff). On the other hand, others argue that it comes from Egyptian war dogs. Although the majority of specialists bet on a mixed origin. Traditionally this dog has been used in the Majorcan countryside as a livestock guardian.

General appearance

The Majorca Shepherd is a sub-convex profile dog, of large size without being exaggerated and of medium weight. The height at the withers is 25 to 28 inches and weighs approximately 88lbs (40 kg).

It is totally black or black with white patch on the chest, well proportioned, rustic, strong, muscular, robust and agile.

There are two varieties of hair: short-haired, the most common variety, or long-haired. The short coat is close to the skin, and measures between 0.5 and 1 inch.

The insertion of the tail is horizontal, circular in section, thicker at the base. It is not cut. It should be long up to the ankle, but without touching the ground.

Only the black coat is allowed. White is accepted only on the chest, usually as a "tie".

The eyes are small, neither sunken nor protruding. Slightly oblique, lively. They are honey colored, varying from light to dark. The eyes are very expressive and have an intelligent and somewhat melancholic look.

The head is massive, but not heavy. The skull-facial axis is slightly divergent. The length of the muzzle is equal to that of the skull, and in turn the total length of the head is equal to that of the neck. Skull with sub-convex profile. Marked nasolabial frontal depression, with gradual inclination. The muzzle is long and strong, never ending in a point and the nose is black. The palate is pink, and in theory the blackish spots on the palate and gums are a symptom of purity. The teeth are very strong and close in scissors.

Character, behavior and training of Majorca Shepherd Dog:

The Majorca Shepherd dog is basically a sheepdog, but its fidelity and intelligence allow it to carry out guarding and/or defense tasks.

It has always been appreciated in Majorca for its herding qualities and its physical endurance. It is very affectionate and faithful to the person it considers a friend, although its appreciation must be earned by treating it well and exercising a lot.

On the other hand, he does not usually accept orders from those he does not consider his master and often "delays" in accepting them even from the latter. He tends to be suspicious of strangers, and is always attentive and vigilant. It is a very independent breed, accustomed to being outdoors, and requires a lot of physical exercise and time to devote to his education. It is affectionate with children, and quite patient with them.

Dog of great nobility, of only one owner who accepts with difficulty the solicitations of strangers. Intelligent, docile, affectionate, extremely shy and reserved in his youth; his sentimentality reaches unsuspected limits. Faithful to his master until death. If we look into his eyes, it will give us the feeling that he thinks. He is brave and quarrelsome.

Care and health

The Majorca Shepherd dog does not need much specific care. Like all dogs, it is important to exercise him daily and brush his coat regularly.

It is also important to control its relationship with strangers.

Being a large dog, the Majorca Shepherd can suffer from hip dysplasia.
