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How long can I leave my Maltese puppy alone at home?

Leaving your Maltese puppy alone at home can be a challenge for both you and your dog. However, there are ways to make the process less stressful for both of you.

While dogs generally see us as members of their pack, we cannot always be with them. To help your Maltese puppy adjust to being left alone, it's important to teach them from an early age that staying at home by themselves is okay and doesn't have to be a negative experience.


How long can I leave my Maltese puppy alone

How Long Can a Maltese Puppy Be Left Alone?

Maltese puppies are not accustomed to being alone at home, making them more susceptible to developing separation anxiety. It is recommended to take them outside for bathroom breaks every two hours.

Adult Maltese dogs that are accustomed to being home alone can endure longer periods, as they have likely learned to sleep when you're away. For older dogs, the safe duration they can be left alone depends on factors like their health condition; older Maltese may require more frequent bathroom breaks.

Here are the factors to consider when leaving your Maltese home alone:

  • Age
  • Health
  • Separation anxiety
  • Training and behavior
  • Bathroom breaks
  • Feeding schedules
  • Exercise and activity
  • Socialization
  • Other pets in the house

Leaving a Maltese alone for extended periods can lead to behavioral issues, including:

  • Scratching
  • Biting
  • Chewing on furniture and clothing
  • Compulsive eating
  • Getting lost
  • Whining, howling, and barking
  • Urinating
  • Running away

Two Preparations Before Leaving Your Maltese Alone at Home

Before heading out without your Maltese, whether for work or leisure, consider these two essential preparations:

  1. Exercise: Ensure your Maltese gets ample exercise before you leave. Taking your dog for a morning walk or exercise session can help them expend energy and induce sleep, making their alone time more manageable.
  2. Restricted Area: Initially, leave your Maltese in a comfortable, confined area. As your puppy becomes accustomed to being alone in the house, you can gradually expand their roaming space.

Is a Maltese the Right Dog for You?

Before bringing a Maltese into your life, consider how this breed will fit into your daily routine. Carefully contemplate the responsibilities of exercise, feeding, and financial care associated with owning a Maltese.

Consider questions like: What will you do with your Maltese when you go on vacation? Do you have contingency plans for their care if you become ill or are away?

While Maltese dogs are generally manageable due to their small size and non-shedding coat, they require attention and care. Keep in mind that they may exhibit small dog syndrome, potentially displaying aggression towards strangers.

Owning a Maltese is a lifestyle choice that will alter your daily routine, but it comes with the reward of affection, loyalty, and companionship from this loving breed.