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Why Does My Dog Rub Her Face After Eating

Why does my dog rub his face after eating? A dog's behavior can have many meanings.

Dogs very often exhibit very strange behavior. Those who live with a dog will have wondered, at least once in their lives, why their furry friend presents a certain attitude.

Rubbing their face after eating is one of the many strange behaviors that dogs display, which we may not understand. There are a few reasons as to why Fido does this, which we'll look at now.

Dog rubs his face after eating, here's why

Our four-legged friends often exhibit strange behaviors, one of them is: rubbing the muzzle after eating.

Who has never seen their furry friend jump on the couch or bed after eating and vigorously rub their face against the latter?

Often, some dogs accompany this gesture with another gesture: they stand to the side and start stretching along the whole body. Gestures that can entertain and that can also make you ask the question: why is Fido behaving like this?

The reasons why the dog rubs his muzzle, either on a surface or with his paws, can have several meanings.


why does my dog rub his face after eating

Clean up

A dog will often rub his face after eating as a way of cleaning himself. Fido does this in order to clear away any food particles that may have become lodged in his teeth or fur.

Due to not being able to brush his teeth after every meal, the dog tries to clean his mouth by rubbing his face against any soft surface, such as a carpet, sofa, or bed. It also may be a way for them to clean off any drool that may have gotten on their face during the meal.

If your canine companion is one of those neat-freaks, they may feel uncomfortable if they have food on their face. To keep them feeling clean and comfortable, you can wipe their face after eating with a damp cloth.

Show pleasure

As mentioned above, often some dogs accompany the gesture of rubbing their muzzle, stretching their body to its full length.

This behavior is known as "the dance of happiness" indicates that the dog is happy with a situation. In fact, we can notice this attitude not only after Fido has eaten, but also when we prepare his baby food.

So we can say: when the dog rubs his muzzle after eating, he is simply happy with what he tasted.

Marking territory

Dogs have scent glands located around their mouths and faces, and when they rub their faces after eating, they are likely releasing their own scent onto their face as a way of marking their territory.

This behavior is instinctive and common in canines, and is a way of protecting their food and letting other animals know that the food is theirs.

Related: Why Does My Dog Rub Against The Couch

Comfort himself

Dogs have been known to rub their faces after eating as a form of self-comfort. This behavior is thought to be an instinctive response to the sensation of food in their mouths. It is a calming behavior that dogs use to help them relax and feel secure.

Health problems

If rubbing the muzzle is a frequent behavior for your four-legged companion, it could be an indication that something is amiss.

For instance, if your pup rubs his face after eating, it could be a sign of digestive issues, such as:

  • Food allergy.
  • Gastrointestinal distress
  • Gum problems.
  • Dental pain.
  • Skin problems.

In this case you may also notice other symptoms such as:

  • Itching in the dog.
  • Redness.
  • Skin irritations.
  • Lethargy.
  • Respiratory changes.

In the event that your dog exhibits the symptoms listed above, it is recommended that you contact a veterinarian.

The act of dogs rubbing their face after eating likely serves as a way for them to get rid of any leftover food particles, as well as to spread their scent from their face onto their food. It's also possible that dogs are trying to clean their face to avoid getting food stuck in their fur, or that they are trying to communicate with other dogs or humans in the area.

Whatever the reason, it's clear that this behavior serves a purpose, and is a natural part of a dog's behavior.
